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About Bishop Leibold


Bishop Leibold School is the family school for the St. John Paul II Family of Parishes which includes St. Henry, St. Mary, and Our Lady of Good Hope Parishes. Our school faithfully serves families of Preschool-8th Grade students in Springboro, Centerville, Miamisburg, Franklin, Miami Township, West Carrollton, and Germantown. We currently have 326 students enrolled in grades PS-8 at our two campuses. 


Mission Statement

A Catholic community of faith in which all students grow spiritually and academically while being recognized for their unique virtues and talents.


Our Beliefs 

  • We are a faith community actively promoting and modeling the Gospel message. 

  • We recognize the importance of nurturing the whole student. 

  • We are a community that develops and promotes a strong educational foundation that recognizes the capabilities and talents of each individual. 

  • Prayer and worship are important expressions of our daily lives. 

  • We are a community that respects life and works to appreciate the gift of life in our families, neighborhoods, and global communities.


If you have any questions about our school, please contact us, and we will be happy to assist you.




Where did the name Bishop Leibold come from?

Bishop Leibold

Paul Francis Leibold, for whom our school is named, was born in 1914. He was a member of Holy Trinity Parish in Dayton, where he served as an altar boy and attended school. According to Sarah Leibold, his great-niece, two Leibold brothers, one being Paul’s father Frank, and the other Sarah’s grandfather, lived in homes next door to each other near Holy Trinity Church (their homes were located in what is now the parking lot of Dayton Main Post Office). Whenever there was an immediate need for Mass servers, the parish staff would holler across the yards or run over and knock on the Leibolds’ doors: between the cousins, they were sure to get four servers quickly! Paul graduated from Chaminade High School, and The University of Dayton. He completed his studies for the priesthood at St. Gregory and Mount St. Mary’s of the West Seminaries in Cincinnati, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1940.

While serving as pastor of St. Louis Parish in Cincinnati, Father Leibold worked in the Archdiocese Chancery, the office which expedites canonical matters, keeps parish records, and helps parishes with civil law issues. He served as Assistant Chancellor and then Chancellor under Archbishop Alter until 1966. In 1958 he was made Auxiliary Bishop of Cincinnati, and eight years later he was named Bishop of Evansville, Indiana. In 1969 Bishop Leibold returned to Cincinnati to become Archbishop.

By the time he was installed as Archbishop, the 55-year-old Leibold had become known for his warm, pastoral style and was considered to be approachable, humble and hardworking. The religion writer for the Cincinnati Post at that time noted, “…he was a very unassuming man who seemed almost uncomfortable with his high position”. While in Evansville, Leibold served on many community boards, not as an authority giving advice, but as a member often taking unwanted jobs, such as secretary. He was a personable man with a ready wit, and over the years, a sought-after speaker.


In 1974, when our school formed as a consolidation of St. Henry and Our Lady of Good Hope Schools, the name “Bishop Leibold School” was suggested by student Annabelle Leyes, who now has three nieces attending Bishop Leibold School. The beloved eponym was chosen for his commitment and humility, as reflected in the words on Archbishop Leibold’s resting place at Gate of Heaven Cemetery:

"I have come to fill my office as witness of Christ to all men. And the Christ I know from the Gospels is a meek and humble Christ, who came to serve, and not be served…"

Father Paul’s example as a faithful, humble and tireless servant of God provides inspiration and a good example to the students of Bishop Leibold School and thus our school is named Bishop Leibold School.

Our Two Campuses


Since 1974, Bishop Leibold School has operated as the consolidated school of Our Lady of Good Hope and St. Henry Parishes. Although both campuses join together for special events throughout the school year, the daily grouping of similar ages provides for the best dynamic of both followship and leadership.

Our West Campus Preschool-2nd


Preschool through Third Grade is located at the West Campus in Miamisburg, on the property of Our Lady of Good Hope Church. 

Our East Campus 3rd-8th


The East Campus, for students in Grades three through eight, is located in Miami Township on the property of St. Henry Church, across from the beautiful Cox Arboretum. 

Contact Us​


East Campus  

P: (937) 434-9343

F: (937) 436-3048

Find Us

East Campus

6666 Springboro Pike, Dayton,

OH 45449 


West Campus

24 South Third Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342 

Visit Us


7:45 AM - 3:45 PM


Schedule a visit and tour our school.

West Campus

P: (937) 866-3021



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