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The Bishop Leibold Athletic Association offers a variety of sports throughout the school year and participation fees are kept reasonable through support through school fundraising. This is a great way to play and compete with friends from school against other local Catholic Schools. BLS fields about 800 roster spots annually; 80% of BLS students participate in at least one sport.


Fall Sports

  • Intramural Soccer (Pre-K and Kindergarten)

  • SAY Soccer (1st -4th Grades)

  • CYO Soccer (5th -8th Grades)

  • CYO Golf (6th -8th Grades)

  • Feeder Football (3rd -8th Grades: Alter, CJ, and Fenwick High School Feed Program)


Winter Sports

  • Intramural Basketball (K-2nd Grade)

  • CYO Basketball (3rd-8th Grades)

  • CYO Volleyball (4th-8th Grades)

Spring Sports

  • CYO Track (1st -8th Grades)

  • CYO Volleyball (4th-8th Grades)




Bishop Leibold Band Program

5th Grade Beginner Band & 6-8th Grade Advanced Band

The elementary Band Program at BLS is led by the Director of Bands at Archbishop Alter High School. All 5th-grade students are encouraged to join as no experience is necessary! While in the band program at BLS, students will learn many skills including problem-solving, critical thinking and how to work with their peers to achieve a common goal. Each student will learn how to play and read music.


Boy Scout Troop 248- Boy Scouts of America

Boy Scouting works toward three aims: Moral strength and character, participating citizenship, and development of physical, mental, and emotional fitness. Scouts learn to live the Scout Law and engage in activities and trips to build skills of self-sufficiency, teamwork, and leadership. They develop an appreciation of the outdoors and engage a range of skill and character building activities in as they progress through scout rank and maturity. Troop 248 is chartered by St. Henry Parish and welcomes young men 6th Grade and older from the parishes, school, and community.



The Bishop Leibold School Choir (open to grades 4-8) meets weekly for rehearsals on Wednesday after school, and its members share their ministry at weekly School Masses. The students learn how to take musical direction and work as an ensemble group, to cantor, and to serve their worship community by providing sung musical leadership.



Cub Scout Pack 248—Boy Scouts of America

Pack 248 welcomes all boys in 1st to 5th Grades. We currently serve boys from Bishop Leibold School and others from the surrounding area. The vision of Pack 248 is to develop character and values-based leadership that will be used through an individual's lifetime. This is accomplished by offering the boy's safe, fun and challenging adventure; training scouts in the meaning of citizenship, service to community and mentoring leadership qualities; and preparing the boys to enter the Boy Scouting program to further their lifetime personal qualities. Cub Scouts Pack 248 is chartered by Our Lady of Good Hope Church and belongs to the Wright Brothers District in the Miami Valley Council of the Central Region. There is a monthly meeting for all the 248 Cub Scouts.



Girl Scouts of America

Girl Scouting build girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.  The BLS Girl Scouting Program serves girls in Kindergarten through 8th Grade and our troops and their members form great friendships through trips, activities, and projects. Our Girl Scout service projects include park clean-ups, nursing home visits, winter coat drives and more. They explore and build self-sufficiency through BLS Girl Scout Summer Camp, celebrate together in annual Bridging Ceremony, and celebrate their faith together in Religious Badge Program and Scout Sunday.  They meet about twice a month, and encourage membership each year in the Fall Roundup.



​“JOLT” A Junior High Youth Ministry of Our Lady of Good Hope Parish & St. Henry Parishes

"JOLT" Junior High Youth Ministry is open to all Junior High parish youth and friends from both Catholic and public schools. JOLT Youth Ministry activities tap into the creative energy and imagination of the junior high adolescent with a Catholic Christian perspective as we focus on issues for their time with an emphasis on faith learning, community, prayer, and service. Gatherings and events are held through the year. 



Leibold Leaders

The Leibold Leaders is a volunteer organization, for students in the 5th through 8th grades.  Our mission is to offer opportunities that allow our students to become lifelong learners and service oriented American citizens while servicing Bishop Leibold School and the community.  The Leibold Leaders plan, organize and carry out various fundraisers throughout the year.   The largest of these is Mission Day which supports our sister school, Our Lady of Nazareth, in Nairobi, Kenya.



Robotic Eagles: BLS First Lego League Robotic Team

Bishop Leibold is proud to have a Robotics Team that competes in the FIRST LEGO League (FLL).  The team is formed of interested 6-8th Graders who meet after school once a week for three months. FLL is a collaboration between the LEGO Company and FIRST, a non-profit organization committed to creating robotic competition programs that will excite and inspire children to excel in math and science. FLL is a multi-disciplinary program that combines engineering, computer programming, problem-solving, researching, presenting and teamwork.  Teams of three to ten students work to build and program a robot to complete a number of tasks in a 2.5-minute robot round.



Clubs & Activities

Contact Us​


East Campus  

P: (937) 434-9343

F: (937) 436-3048

Find Us

East Campus

6666 Springboro Pike, Dayton,

OH 45449 


West Campus

24 South Third Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342 

Visit Us


7:45 AM - 3:45 PM


Schedule a visit and tour our school.

West Campus

P: (937) 866-3021



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