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On-Going Programs

There are several CommUnity programs that you can take part in every day.  These are easy things that add up quickly for CommUnity with little effort on your part.



What Is Scrip?

Scrip is a term that means "substitute money". When you purchase Scrip, you’re purchasing negotiable gift certificates and prepaid cards that are used just like cash. You can use Scrip to purchase everyday expenses like groceries, clothing, gas, dining, entertainment and other essentials.  To learn how to shop with Scrip, order gift cards and how to use it on your mobile phone, please click here.


The Kroger Reward Program

Under the Kroger Community Rewards Program, Bishop Leibold will receive a percentage of the $2 million that Kroger donates to organizations enrolled in their program each year.  The amount of money that BLS receives from Kroger is based on how much our families spend at Kroger each quarter.  If you shop at Kroger, we encourage you to participate in this program to earn free money for our school. To learn how to register your Kroger Plus Card and begin contributing to BLS Fundraising, please click here.


Amazon Smiles  (NEW)

AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support CommUnity every time you shop, at no cost to you. When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate 0.5% of the purchase price from your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to CommUnity – it’s that simple!  You can even use a Scrip card to make the purchase giving CommUnity even more back on your purchase!  More information will be coming soon!



Primary Fundraisers

These activities are straight fundraisers that directly benefit CommUnity through the hard work and efforts of our students and their families.


Magazine Sales

The Magazine Drive runs in the fall, but magazines can be ordered online anytime throughout the year. Magazines make wonderful gifts, and represent particular savings in time and effort when buying for out-of-town family and friends.


The Spring Flower Sale

This fundraiser offers beautiful live plants and vouchers from two highly-regarded greenhouses and nurseries. The 2017 Order Form can be found here


Spring Walk-A-Thon  (NEW)

This is a new event that will take place on May 22, 2017. More details to come! 


Raising Fun and Funds Together

There are several CommUnity events that are part of our school tradition for meeting new friends, enjoying old friends, building school spirit all while raising money.


Fish Fry Monte Carlo and Silent Auction

Held in the East Campus PAC in February this is the largest fundraiser of the year!  It’s an adult only event with auction items, beer booths, blackjack and poker tables and unlimited fish and fries! Details on our 2018 Fish Fry coming soon! 


Dine to Donate (NEW)

A new restaurant each month in our local community will host a fundraising night for our families and parish members.  Come dine and a portion of your bill will be directly donated back to CommUnity.  Check out the upcoming restaurant by clicking here .


Picture This Event

Picture This is an Event for our crafters and people who need time to preserve their memories.  Use the day to organize your memories or work on your hobbies. Learn more here


Parent/Student Events

Four events –- a Father/Daughter, Father/Son, Mother/Daughter and a Mother/Son dedicated evening – to have memorable fun, and raise funds! 


Family Bingo Night (NEW)

This is a new event we hope to launch in the winter. If you are able to help, please email Molly Baker at


Spirit wear Purchases Through Rokkitwear

With every Spirit Wear item (and BLS Fleece) ordered at Rokkitwear 15% of the sale goes directly back to CommUnity.  Wear your BLS pride and help CommUnity at the same time.  To order click here.

Contact Us​


East Campus  

P: (937) 434-9343

F: (937) 436-3048

Find Us

East Campus

6666 Springboro Pike, Dayton,

OH 45449 


West Campus

24 South Third Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342 

Visit Us


7:45 AM - 3:45 PM


Schedule a visit and tour our school.

West Campus

P: (937) 866-3021



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