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How many students attend Bishop Leibold School?

Currently, we have 326 students enrolled in preschool-8th grade. 


I have children at two campuses...what if I only have time to deliver them to one campus?

Don't worry!  We have a bus that transports children from West to East in the morning, and then from East back to West in the afternoon.  A one stop drop for parents!


What grades are taught at Bishop Leibold?

Preschool through grade Eight.


What are Bishop Leibold's school hours?

Classes begin at 8:10 a.m. and conclude at 3:00 p.m.  Doors open at 7:45 a.m. and students have access to the cafeteria where they can socialize and prepare for the school day.  A member of the BLS staff is always present for supervision at this time.  The school secretaries and staff are available from 7:45 a.m.-3:45 p.m.


Does BLS provide a hot lunch program?

Yes!  Your student can either purchase a complete hot lunch at either of our campuses for approximately $2.50 or bring his or her own lunch.  Milk is available for $0.50 in the cafeteria, as well as some snacks.  A reduced-price lunch program is available for those who qualify.  Cafeteria services are provided by St. Albert the Great Nutrition Services.


If I chose to transport my child, at what time may I drop them off at school?

Students are asked to arrive no earlier than 7:45 a.m.  


Do you have a bus service?

Yes, bus transportation is generally available for those who live within the public school districts we serve: Springboro, Miamisburg, Centerville, and West Carrollton. 

All bus schedules, regulations, and routes are determined by each district. Families from Jefferson Township who provided their own transportation will be reimbursed by the state at the end of the year based on the student’s days of attendance.

We recommend calling your district’s Transportation Offices for questions or to learn more about their service:


  • Miamisburg: 866-1283

  • Springboro: 748-3960

  • West Carrollton: 859-5121 X8960

  • Centerville: 885-7776 


What are your class sizes?

In Preschool and Pre-K, each session is limited to 15 students.

The average number of students in our Kindergarten classes is 18, and 22 is the maximum.

The average class size is 23 in Grades 1-8, and the maximum number is 30.

Be advised that some schools use other teaching personnel (such as Art, P.E. or Music teachers) in calculating their student-teacher ratios, resulting in seemingly smaller class sizes. Bishop Leibold School does not follow that practice; we calculate by using classroom teachers to produce more truthful ratios. If you are looking at other schools, be sure to ask how the calculations are made, or ask to see current class lists.


Do Bishop Leibold students wear uniforms?

Our Preschoolers and Pre-K students do not wear uniforms. For information on our uniforms in grades K-8 please click here


Do Preschool or Pre-K students wear uniforms?

No, this is not required. Our youngest students should wear comfortable play clothes for active and creative learning!


Do local daycare centers provide transportation to and from BLS for half-day Kindergarten?

It varies. If you have a general idea of which daycare center you are considering for your child, or are looking for information of which school districts provide transportation within your area, please call Miss Wehner, our West Campus Secretary (937-866-3021). She can provide information on how these centers are currently handling transportation to and from our school, and give you some direction in your search.


Is there a waitlist for Kindergarten?

There is generally not a waiting list for Kindergarten. However, we ask that you be prompt in returning all forms by the indicated deadlines to assure the best placement for your child. Please be advised that Full Day Kindergarten is a popular choice among our families, and there are limited spaces for this option.


Must my child pass a test before being accepted at BLS Kindergarten?

If you are applying for admission into Kindergarten, your child must attend Kindergarten Screening in the spring. This is traditionally around the last week of April. This is an opportunity for you and your child to meet the Kindergarten staff and see our school. Because incoming Kindergarten students come from a variety of preschools, screening enables our teachers to obtain information about the skill level of the incoming students that will allow them to plan for the start of school. This is a fun day for your child, and these prospective students do not want to leave at the end of that day!

If a student falls short of our Kindergarten benchmarks, a private parent conference will take place with our Kindergarten faculty to share the results of the screening. From this meeting, a decision will be made as to whether a student should start Kindergarten at BLS in the fall.

Is there After-School Care provided for the Extended Experiences Kindergarten?

Yes. After-School care is provided by the YMCA. For more information, please download their flyer. This information is generally updated by Feb 1 for the upcoming year.


Does Bishop Leibold offer financial aid or scholarships?

Financial Aid is available for active Our Lady of Good Hope or St. Henry Parishioners. This takes the form of sibling reductions and/or income-based tuition assistance. These options and tuition are explained under Tuition Information.
Complete information is available for types of Financial Assistance, and we encourage parents to review this site. There are scholarships available through Parents Advancing Choice in Education (PACE) and the EdChoice Scholarship Program for families who apply and are qualified. Bishop Leibold itself does not offer scholarships to new students.


When will I know if my child has been accepted at Bishop Leibold?

Kindergarten Families are advised by letter in mid-May, once all forms are received and screening is complete. New students in all other grades are advised within two weeks of your meeting with our principal and all screening and paperwork is complete.
Registration forms are sent home to current families first, generally around the end of January, with new family enrollments opening shortly thereafter. Registrations are handled on a first come, first served basis until all spaces are filled. Click on the Timeline for Registration to learn when Guaranteed Student Enrollment ends. 


What else do I need to register my child?

For all grades, you will be asked to submit your child’s birth certificate, baptismal record, and immunization record. For Kindergarten applicants, these are requested at Kindergarten Screening in April, copied and handed back to you. Immunization records are due before your child starts class.
If you are applying for Grades 1-8, you will be asked to submit a copy of your child’s most recent report card and most recent standardized test scores. If you wish to get started on this process, please download and complete a Records Transfer Request and send to your current school.



Contact Us​


East Campus  

P: (937) 434-9343

F: (937) 436-3048

Find Us

East Campus

6666 Springboro Pike, Dayton,

OH 45449 


West Campus

24 South Third Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342 

Visit Us


7:45 AM - 3:45 PM


Schedule a visit and tour our school.

West Campus

P: (937) 866-3021



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