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Green Team 

Students in grades 6-8 attend a three day summer workshop on the school grounds to learn about leading earth stewardship in our school. During this time, they work on composting, plant a summer outdoor garden. During the school year they lead verious projects including a fall garden, growing lettuce in a hydroponic garden,  used battery and seed packet drives, solar energy mobile, and recycling efforts in our school. They lead these projects throughout the school year. All vegetables grown are donated to Helping Hands Pantry in Miamisburg. 



STEMpm is designed to more fully explore all disciplines of the STEM mission, extending the emphasis from Science and Math to projects involving Technology and Engineering, and is open to all students in Grade 3-8 with an interest in these areas of study. 
Hands-on learning, experimentation, critical thinking, the application of mathematics, and teamwork focusing on the scientific method are important components of every monthly session. For grades 3 through 6, the sessions are held in the fully-equipped Science Center at the East Campus. Due to the rotating curriculum, a student in STEMpm for five years will never have the same session twice. Junior High STEMpm students take a variety of off-site tours through their two final years, including sessions at Paxar , The University of Dayton Research Institute, Yaskawa Robotics and Emerson Technologies. 

STEMpm students are strongly encouraged to develop their personal interests in the sciences, explore a wide variety of professional careers within these fields, and pursue the challenges of continued focus in Math and Science in their high school courses. 

Robotic Eagles

Bishop Leibold is proud to field Robotics Teams that compete in the FIRST LEGO® League (FLL). The teams are comprised of interested 6th-8th Graders who meet weekly after school for three months. FLL is a collaboration between the LEGO Company and FIRST, a non-profit organization committed to creating robotic competition programs that will excite and inspire children to excel in math and science. FLL utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach that combines engineering, computer programming, problem solving, researching, presenting and teamwork. Teams of three to ten students work to build and program a robot to complete a number of tasks in a 2.5-minute robot round.



Energy Bike Girls

Girls in incoming grades 6-8 spend one summer day training how to build the Energy Bike and operate it. They learn how to teach a class about energy efficiency as well. They come into the science classrooms and teach the lesson during the school year and run the Energy Bike station at our annual Science F.E.S.T.



Bishop Leibold hosts Summer Camps open to the whole community! Below are some of the STEM opportunities that are hosted annually:

  • Science Camp (Grades 1-3)

  • Robotics Camp (Grades 4-8)

  • Green Team (Grades 6-8)

  • Energy Bike (Grades 6-8)


To see more information visit our Summer Camps page.

Contact Us​


East Campus  

P: (937) 434-9343

F: (937) 436-3048

Find Us

East Campus

6666 Springboro Pike, Dayton,

OH 45449 


West Campus

24 South Third Street, Miamisburg, OH 45342 

Visit Us


7:45 AM - 3:45 PM


Schedule a visit and tour our school.

West Campus

P: (937) 866-3021



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